Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Medication costs! Wow!

 Well, I made the Dr. appt. I went in this morning. We had a nice chat. I asked about the fat/sleeping, sleeping/fat thing. He said probably both. They are doing bloodwork. I'll probably find out the results tomorrow. I have another appointment with him next month. 

I told him about my sleep apnea thing. He's going to send a sleep clinic my info and they are suppose to contact me. I sure hope my insurance comes through.

I have a female issue I told him about. Although I hate taking meds, I asked for a prescription for something that was highly recommended to me. I was told it's a game changer for my issue. They sent the script to my pharmacy. 

I went to get it after my appointment, but did my shopping first since I'm sure it was just turned in. When I got there they hadn't filled it yet. I gave her my new insurance card, and asked if she could see if it was covered. It took her a few minutes to put my new information in. She finally got to look it up, and my insurance has to get with my dr to see if I can get it before they will approve. I asked how much it was out of pocket. It's over $500 per month!!!!! 1 pill daily. I even checked GoodRX, and the best price I could find was $476. I guess I will never get this issue treated. It would be helpful, but it's not life threatening. I would rather do stupid things with my money, like pay my property taxes, buy food, put gas in my car, etc. 

Holy cow. Something needs done about this health care system. It's out of control. 

God Bless. Stay healthy!

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Fat and Sleep

 Wherefore art thou sleep? Yeah, ok. I won't be poetic, but I have an honest question.

Am I fat because I'm a lousy sleeper, or am I a lousy sleeper because I'm fat? That is my question of the day. 

I have never been a good sleeper. Not since my thoughts were awakened to the fact when it was naptime, I couldn't nap. Also, when it was bedtime I would lie there for hours waiting till I would sleep. As a grade schooler I started roaming around my bedroom till midnight or after till I could go to sleep. I think that may be what gave me my love of reading. I could do it for hours with no interruption. 

Even now, I usually can't fall asleep till midnight or after, but wake up between 3 and 5 am. No matter what time I go to sleep, I get up around 4 or so. Lately its been 3 am. 

I have also always been overweight. Not just a little, but a LOT. I have tried to diet, sometimes successfully for a bit, and sometimes failing. I have lost up to 80 lbs, and have gone back up 30. It seems no matter what I have tried the last year, it just steadily goes back up. Something needs to give.

My fitbit says I'm a lousy sleeper. My oxygen levels are sporadic at night, peaking into the orange zone at least 4 times a night. I have also been told I'm an extremely loud snorer. I can attest to that, since I have woken myself up more than once wondering what the horrendous noise was. 

I had to change physicians due to job change (It's official, I'm retired) and I had to set a primary care. I have never been to him, and don't even know if he is accepting new patients. I tell myself late every Friday that Monday morning my goal is to call and see if I can get in. I want to get my hormone levels checked (due to the not losing weight thing, but losing hair thing) and see if maybe I could get a sleep study done. Then every Monday I think I'll do it later. Then on Friday it starts all over again. 

I really don't like drs. I get tired of being told I'm fat. I have letters my mom wrote that my grandma saved when we moved out of state when I was 2. She was telling my grandma how I want to eat all the time, and tried to eat the cake off the front of my birthday card. I remember the dr. telling my mom I was just lazy. It's always been an issue. 

I don't overeat now. I haven't for a long time. I follow a more ketovore lifestyle. Usually more carnivore than keto. I did BBB & E for 7 weeks and didn't lose anything.  That's not right. 

I'm trying to talk myself into calling the dr. Today. I've got 2 hours before they close. Today

I just started listening to a book called "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker. It's been enlightening so far. I think I'm going to give up coffee and all caffeine for awhile. I drink 1 pot of caffeinated in the morning, and drink decaf the rest of the day. He said there is still 15 to 30% caffeine in the decaf that there is in regular. I drink about 3 pots of decaf a day. If I quit that, I may end up in a coma. I won't know till I try. I've not always been a coffee or caffeine addict. I am now though. 

Wish me luck, and God Bless.