Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sometimes Family Sucks

 I'm in a mood. I miss my brother, the way he use to be. Sort of. 

He has pretty much always been a jerk to me, but he thinks he's funny. He just says things for the laughs. I just don't even know what to write. I love him, but I don't like him very much a lot of the time. He takes every opportunity to make fun of me, one way or another. 

When my son was born we ran into each other while visiting my aunt and uncle. My son was a newborn, and my brother was telling my family that it's a shame if you want to see my son you have to see me too. (hahaha<------sarcasm)  :(

I took my son over to his house for trick or treat every year. They were the only reason we drove 20 miles on Halloween. His wife had made treat bags for all of the nieces and nephews on her side of the family, but apologized to my son because she had nothing to give him. She told him she would make it up to him later. That never happened. He was 5.  (I had made up a will when he was 6 months old in case anything happened to me, and they were suppose to get custody of him, and they can't remember him at Halloween???). They were good parents, raised great kids and the grands are spoiled, but in a good way. I thought they would be good to my son, but not when I'm around. 

Another Halloween, we drove all the way over there just to see them, but they weren't home. Turns out they got a van and went trick or treating with their grandson, it was a whole family thing. We only went over there every Halloween since my son was born. A heads up would have been nice. 

Then there was the sand episode. I had gotten my son a sandbox, but hadn't gotten sand yet. He called and asked if I wanted sand, and I said sure. Then he said how they were getting new sand for the grandson since this sand tracks in the house so they are getting a better kind. He would have it in buckets outside, so just come by when I can. When I went to get it, it was raining and there wasn't anything on top of the two buckets. I tried to get as much water out of them as possible, but wet sand is heavy. I got one in the trunk and left the other one. I didn't want to risk a mess in my car. He called me later and said I forgot one. I explained about the water and just told him I didn't want it. He wasn't happy, but neither was I. 

Ya know, he can dis me all he wants. I expect it, but not in front of my kid. My son has told me that he has said rough things about me even when he sees him out in the wild. He said it's strange how he always chuckles as he gives me a dig. I'm glad my son knows me the way he does. If he listened to my brothers "jokes" he would have no respect for me. He also thinks my brother is an ass. 

When my mom passed away, my dad was devastated. He could barely function. My sister and I depended on my brother, since he was the elder. Everything went to crap when he got married. Sad to see. 

There are many more episodes I could write about, but I'm tired of thinking about it. I just had to get it out of my brain so I can get on with my day. 

I miss him. I just wish he wasn't an ass. 

God bless. 

The people who can hurt you the most are the ones you love. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

39 Years

 Today would have been my anniversary. I'm missing things that could have been, should have been. Would have been. 

He's on wife number 3, last I heard. So maybe it wasn't a "me" problem after all....

God Bless. 

Seize the day. 

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Memories and old friends

 Dear Friend who shall not be named, 

I thought about you the other day. I hadn't seen or heard from you in years, (apparently about 30) but always wondered about you. The friend we had in common said he didn't know where you were or anything, and that he hadn't seen you around for a long time. (this was years ago when I asked him) 

I know when I was going through my separation and divorce we spent a lot of time together. You were part of my lifeline for hanging on. 

I remember smoking a lot of weed with you, when you could find it. We had some good times. I remember all the atrocious lies you would tell. But we all knew we couldn't believe anything you said. You were really bad at it. But you felt like family. Thank you for holding me when I was crying mourning the loss of my marriage, my child, and life as I knew it. 

Then, I googled you. 

I found your obituary. I'm glad you got married, I'm glad you had a child. It didn't mention an illness, just mentioned everyone that would miss you. Well, not everyone. I have missed you for a long time, but now I know I won't ever hear from you. 

Then I found the letter. The letter I found was written in 1992, when I was 10 hours away. I've been cleaning and found a file that had old letters in it. One of them was yours. I don't even remember getting it. You gave me validation in the letter, knowing someone cared. Even if it was a lie, I will believe it. You were very troubled and without purpose before I left, and I was heartbroken. We needed each other, but I couldn't stay. I'm glad you sent the letter. I'm glad I knew you. I will always miss you. 

It's so weird I find the letter just a few days after I found out you were gone. 12 years and I didn't know. 

I wish I could put my arms around you one more time.  

Still missing you my old friend. 

God bless.  

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Thursday, February 08, 2024

 Dear high school crush, 

I thought about you again today, and said a prayer for you. It's been many many years since we graduated, but I think about you often. Not like a stalker or anything, but I hope you have had a good life. I hope you were loved the way I wanted to love you. I hope you had someone to cook your favorite meals, meeting you at the door with gladness that you were home after a day at work. I hope you had someone who got you your favorite gifts for birthdays, Christmas, and just becauses. 

I think my crush started in Jr. High. I remember sending you a card and signing it anonymously. I heard some of your friends at school asking if any of them sent it. I scurried away because my face was turning red. 

A few months ago I told one of my friends about my crush. Of course she had to do some digging, she was friends with some of your friends, so she sent me your address, phone number, and let me know you had been married for a short time, but not for a long long time. 

She asked me why I didn't contact you, or let you know when we were in school about the crush I had on you. I did that for your sake. I was the fat ugly poor girl. If your friends found out I had a crush on you, I was afraid they would tease you like they did me. I just loved you from afar. I was doing it for you. 

I saw you in Walmart once. You were at the end of an aisle I turned down. As soon as I saw you my heart jumped in my throat and I turned around and left the aisle. I didn't know that was possible after so many years. 

I pray for you often, that you are having a good life. I'm hoping if I ever see you in public again that I will have the courage to speak and act like a normal person, not the schoolgirl crush person. 

Are you the same quiet, shy gentle giant you were in school? You may not have been overly tall, but you were in my heart. 

I pray you have a good rest of your life. If we perchance to meet, I'll try to act like a grownup and not a cow-eyed love struck girl. Or maybe I will. I just wanted someone to know that you have always been cared about. Even if it was by an ugly fat poor girl. I'm comfortable with who I am now, except for the fat part. My heart has always had room for you. I hope you can feel that from here. 

God bless

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

My burden

 I have been fat my whole life, even as a 3 year old, as far back as I've been told. Actually, I found a letter my mom wrote my grandmother When I would have been 2 that said I tried eating the cake off of the birthday card she had sent me. Food and weight has always been an issue. 

I am morbidly obese. I have been most of my life. I have tried everything to fix it, except surgery. I have fasted for 7 days at a time, I have done cleanses, keto, carnivore, tried to exercise my ass off, etc. and everything has failed. 

I have lymphedema. I think I have lipolymphedema. I went to physical therapy for 3 weeks where they wrapped my legs. The first week I lost 10 lbs of fluid just in my legs. She said I also have it in my torso. That explains some of the extra weight, but not all. I normally eat between 800 and 1500 calories daily. I am sugar free. I am gluten free. (all except on RARE occasions) 

I have prayed and prayed for this burden to be lifted. I just have to turn it over to God and leave it. I'm tired of being fat. I'm tired of people telling me I need to exercise more, eat less. 

I lost 80 lbs when I first started keto, but then the weight loss stopped. So I went to carnivore. No change. I ended up gaining about 30 back. Very disheartening. I tried occasional cheat days to try to get out of the slump. No difference. 

I asked my dr. if it could be hormonal. He said could be, but my numbers are good, so he sees no problem. 

I have some mobility issues because of the fluid in my legs, and arthritis in my knees, but I try my best. I know people think I'm just lazy and sit around eating all the time. "They" probably think I lay around in bed all the time too. I sleep an average of 4 hours a night. Sometimes 3, sometimes 5. If I'm awake, I'm up. I don't laze around in bed. 

Apparently, it's ok to pick on fat people and letting them know they are fat and they need to do something about it. That seems to be acceptable to some. Trust me, fat people know they are fat. I understand the fat positivity movement, but don't agree with all of it. I think we should be treated as well as any other "flaw."  I'm tired of people pointing out things like "maybe park at the end of the parking lot so you can get more exercise" kind of thing. I don't ride around Walmart in a wheelchair cart. I don't stalk the parking lot or find a place close to the door (well, maybe if it's really cold or raining, but that's normal, right?)

I was talking to a friend of mine about me not sleeping. I told her its not doing my weight any good either. I'm sure my metabolism is down the tubes. She said "snacking too much when you aren't sleeping could be a problem."  I don't snack. I told her I only eat twice a day. She was surprised. She's a daily snacker, but doesn't have a weight problem. 

I just had to let off some steam. I'm tired. I'm going to let go and let God. Did he MAKE me this way? Any particular reason for this burden? IDK. I wish I could be in on the secret. I'll continue to pray about it, and do my best. 

God bless. Throwing up a prayer for me wouldn't hurt either. Thanks. 

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Medication costs! Wow!

 Well, I made the Dr. appt. I went in this morning. We had a nice chat. I asked about the fat/sleeping, sleeping/fat thing. He said probably both. They are doing bloodwork. I'll probably find out the results tomorrow. I have another appointment with him next month. 

I told him about my sleep apnea thing. He's going to send a sleep clinic my info and they are suppose to contact me. I sure hope my insurance comes through.

I have a female issue I told him about. Although I hate taking meds, I asked for a prescription for something that was highly recommended to me. I was told it's a game changer for my issue. They sent the script to my pharmacy. 

I went to get it after my appointment, but did my shopping first since I'm sure it was just turned in. When I got there they hadn't filled it yet. I gave her my new insurance card, and asked if she could see if it was covered. It took her a few minutes to put my new information in. She finally got to look it up, and my insurance has to get with my dr to see if I can get it before they will approve. I asked how much it was out of pocket. It's over $500 per month!!!!! 1 pill daily. I even checked GoodRX, and the best price I could find was $476. I guess I will never get this issue treated. It would be helpful, but it's not life threatening. I would rather do stupid things with my money, like pay my property taxes, buy food, put gas in my car, etc. 

Holy cow. Something needs done about this health care system. It's out of control. 

God Bless. Stay healthy!