Monday, January 02, 2006


Ok. I made it through the holidays. I still can't sleep, but am surviving. Christmas went well. My son seemed to like everything, b'f likes his gifts, and his son seemed pleased with what he got.

New Years Eve, b'f came over. We were invited to a few parties, but he didn't want to go. The one I told him about were with the Mormons, and I think he was afraid they are trying to convert me. Or him. LOL He told me before if they try to get me to go to church with them, to JUST SAY NO. I told him I was an adult and I could make that decision. He hasn't mentioned it since then. Anyway, it was just the 3 of us. My son was so disappointed that his son couldn't come, that he turned into our social director. We didn't get any party hats this year, so he made some for us out of white paper and tape. He got out one of his kids magazines that had party stuff in it, and went to town. He said he was going to surprise us, so we couldn't see what he was doing. Then he doused us with homemade confetti. I found out he had cut up most of my postit notes to make them, but he got such pleasure out of it, I didn't say too much. I just suggested all the FREE paper we had would have made great confetti. At 12 on the east coast, we banged on pots and pans wearing our white cone hats with shoelace straps, shooting whooooooowhoooooooooooooooo. We brought in the New Year 12 central time too. I was hoping son would be satisfied with the first celebration, but I was wrong. I'm really glad he knows how to tell time, really I am. Most of the time. Anyway, we got to do it twice.

I'm going to try to get back to sleep. I have been in a stupor these past few weeks. I only have one week left till the insanity that IS school starts again.

God bless, and may the new year bring very good surprises your way.

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