Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hot hot hot

Not in a good way. LOL The seeping in my leg stopped for a bit, so this morning we went outside to paint the shed. I was wanting to get it done before they roofed it, so went out at 9 am to do it. We had the white part done by 10:30, Thank God! It felt like 110ยบ in the shade. I was a dripping wet mess when I made it in the house. Sweating is good for me though. I still need to do the black trim, but that is going to have to wait for another day. G filled up his pool and is out with the neighbor girls. He is having a good time.

There is so much I need to do. Homework due tomorrow, study for a 40 point quiz tomorrow on commands I still need to memorize, do the kitty litter thing, laundry, and doing dishes wouldn't hurt either. Good thing this is Sunday. I need the rest. (rolling eyes) I just took some drugs for my knee, so maybe it will start feeling better.

After calling the Dr's office yesterday, first they told me to go to the ER, but I told them with no insurance there was no way. I go see my Dr. at 8:45 in the morning. I need to stay healthy. I sure can't afford this stuff.

My modem is on its way. They are sending me a new one. Thats a good thing. I may try to get the 2nd hard drive ready to put in mine since I am going to have it cracked open already.

I better get off of here. Things to do, and housework waits for no (wo)man. Have a great day, and God Bless.

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