Christmas is over, and I am relieved. I almost hate to see the New Year get here though because I don't know what it holds. The money thing is really getting me down. When I got that thing from the credit card company it really brought me down. I am so embarrased I won't even tell anyone how much I owe. My sister thinks if I get that settlement about my carpal tunnel I can pay it off after I pay the house off. It won't even touch it. :( I took back one of the games I bought my son for Christmas that didn't have the game in the box, so thats $10 credit back to the card. Every little bit helps. I have to call tomorrow to get a check but it probably won't be here till Monday or so. It will be great when I can get my tax return back and my grant money left over from school. That will help a lot. When we went to Walmart today my son was disappointed cos he didn't get a toy. Holy cow. Christmas was just a few days ago. He doesn't understand the "no money" thing. Why does he think the firemen brought us groceries for Thanksgiving and that a Police officer took him shopping for Christmas for the Shop with a Cop program? Just cos he's cute???? I hate that. I'm glad those programs are there, but I hope and pray we never need them again. Its very humbling. I felt like I was saying, "Hi there, I can't afford to take care of my family." My friend and b/f that knew about it said that its only temporary, but it still made me feel bad.
My house is falling apart. My car runs like crap. I have a bad attitude, some days. Other days, I try to forget about the rest. My son and I have been playing with his Gamecube that I got him last year. I got him a game, I mean, ummmmmmmm Santa got him a game this year called Spyro, Enter the Dragonfly. I am having a blast with it. Its kind of a contest between us. I checked online and on the message board for it some said its a real lame game. Well, if you are a gamer, I imagine it would be. Its pretty easy, thats why I can do it. I have like 25 lives built up, so I don't have to worry about having to start over. It's been taking my mind off of a lot of stuff, and its great spending time with the kid. He is so much fun. (It gets a little disconcerting though when I am playing and he gets up and starts bapping his head against the wall. I know he just does it for effect, but still........) I don't know where he gets his smart assy attitude.
Have a great night, and kiss the loves of your life. They are what matters the most. God Bless
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