Monday, November 22, 2004


As opposed to Tuesday. No check again today. I called the unemployment office and she said it should be on its way. I keep telling myself that patience is a virtue, but the house payment is looming over me. Ok, maybe not "looming" exactly. Its a week from today. Since I got the money from my school grant and from my severance package I got used to paying my bills as they came in. It looks like that is going to come to a screeching halt. I will just do the best I can do. Merry Freakin Christmas.
The tutoring today went great. I had an epiphany. Sitting in the room with people all around, all of a sudden the clouds opened up, a brilliant light shone, and I could have sworn I heard harp music. My tutors face took on a serene like glow. Now if I can just figure out the other 2 chapters before class tomorrow night.
I started my Active for Life thing today through the health dept. We have 6 people on our team and get points for exercise, eating fruits and veggies, and drinking water. I'm not doing too bad. I walked about 20 minutes today just around campus. I am sure I will feel better if I start pushing the fiber. People have told me I have been full of it for years. Only one sure way to find out. :)
Kiss your babies, call your parents, and pray for mankind. God Bless.

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